Marushin Kar 98K, version 6 mm.

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Marushin Kar 98K, version 6 mm.

Message par Alumyx » 12 avr. 2011 22:13

Bonsoir tout le monde,

Petite news en passant pour vous annoncer que Marushin nous "ressort" (bien que ce ne soit pas un spring... :arrow: ) son superbe Kar 98K, mais en version 6 mm, contre 8 mm pour les premières versions. Voila ce que RedWolf nous raconte sur ce bolt :

A classic WWII era rifle deployed as a standard infantry rifle by the Wehrmacht, the Kar98 made used of a tried and trusted bolt action system. Whilst it may have lacked the rate of fire of the M1 Garand, the German military doctrine placed the rifleman in support of the machine gunner anyway.

This model is very similar to Marushins previous shell ejecting Kar98 albeit this version is in 6mm. The smaller, lighter pellets enjoy high FPS with a high efficiency gas system giving this weapon about 300 fps on HFC/duster gas and around 380 FPS on Green/Top gas. On red, it pushes 430+ FPS. As this model is the 98k carbine, it has a length that is also not too unmanageable unlike the full length Kar98 which can be a bit unwieldy anywhere other then open spaces.

Although not extensively tested at range, a quick test revealed pretty remarkable accuracy for a shell weapon. At around 15m the rifle was landing 15-20mm groupings with 0.2g BBs; at 10m it was knocking over standing pencils 4 out of 5 shells. As a shell weapon it might not be the most desirable skirmish rifle platform but at least it is nice to know that your cool rifle can indeed shoot worth a damn as well.

Just like the 8mm version, the 5 shell capacity is complimented with a stripper clip to not only speed up loading the shells into the rifles internal magazine but also helps in carrying around the shells as well as adding to the realism of using the rifle.

The high metal content, realistic looking shells, incredibly smooth action and high quality real wood body all come together to make this a stunning display piece (that just happens to also shoot pretty well too).

As a Marushin weapon, we do point out that it really should only be run on HFC/duster gas as strictly speaking it was not built to handle greater pressure then that. Although it can handle Green and Red gas, there is no guarantee that the internals will hold up to those pressures without sustaining damage.



Très certainement une réplique à réserver aux reconstitueurs, vu la faible puissance, et les risques lors de l'upgrade, mais cela reste une superbe réplique !

Merci à Silverballer qui m'a fait passer la news sur ACM-forum. :wink:
